The More You Concentrate On Your Goals, The More You Will Achieve
In my 10+ years of personal training and coaching clients in the gym, I have picked up a lot of insights.
What drives people
What inspires them
Why people do what they do
What is needed to win
How to be successful
A topic which I believe doesn't get spoken about enough is focus and concentration on one's goals.
If the only time you think about achieving your strength and fitness goals is when you go to the gym, you will fail.
If the only time you think of your physique and body goals is when you go grocery shopping, you will fail.
If the only time you concentrate on your health goals is after seeing your GP, or stepping on the scales, you will fail.
The people who have the best physiques.
The people who are the strongest.
The people who have the highest levels of fitness.
The people who rise to the top.
The people who are in charge of their life.
They all have one thing in common.
They think about their goals: Every. Damn. Day.
Not just once or twice, either.
When they wake up
Before they make a meal or decide what (and how much) to eat
When they are in the shower
On their commute to/from work
It’s on their mind and in their thoughts, multiple times per day.
They are focused on that singular goal and concentrate large amounts of effort and energy into achieving it.
How frequently do YOU think about YOUR goals?
You don't reach the top or achieve greatness with one, singular effort.
It comes from repeated small efforts, compounded over time.
The daily wins eventually stack so high that your strength, fitness and physique have no other choice but to develop and improve.
Because you do the work every day.
You make decisions and take actions based on your goals.
It isn't luck, the universe or fairy dust which creates the result.
It is an intense focus on your goals and doing the required work.
Nothing more.
It’s simple math: A + B = C.
If you're not thinking about your goals numerous times a day, you might want to re-evaluate things.
If your health and fitness goals are a priority, start acting like they are.
Again, I ask you;
How important is your goal to you, really?
And what are you prepared to do to achieve it?
Think about it.
Then act accordingly.