The Difference Between Self-love and Self-acceptance

It's becoming commonplace in today's coddled society for people to remain stagnant and accept where they are.

This comes in the form of "loving" your body for what it is no matter what.

People regularly use the term 'self-acceptance' to justify their lack of action and drive.

"I have accepted my body for what it is".

When really what's going on is that, deep down, you're not happy.

You're miserable.

You're disgusted.

You're ashamed.

Accepting yourself and your body for what it is — is not love — especially if you truly don't feel that way.

Self-acceptance is where you tell yourself a narrative that no matter what, you're happy.

You accept your current body and state of affairs.

In other words, you settle.

You know you can do more, become more and develop into a better person...but you don't.

You just accept where you are because it's what people do these days.

I don't agree with that.

I think it's wrong.

Personal Trainer Bertram

Self-love, on the other hand, is acknowledging who you are and where you're at, and striving to become the best version of yourself possible.

This can mean telling yourself hard truths.

It often means calling yourself out on your B.S.

You might have to confront some demons or thoughts you'd rather not.

You do this not because you're never satisfied or unhappy.

But because you know you are capable of more.

You do it because you love yourself enough, and owe it to yourself, to become the best YOU possible.

That is self-love.

You love yourself enough to the point where you know you aren't doing everything in your power to become better.

Acceptance is a form of surrender -- you give up and do the bare minimum, and tell yourself that you're happy in your current body, even when you aren't.

Love is knowing full-well that you can do more and become better, and then striving to bring that into existence.

You may not be where you want to be (which is absolutely fine), but you must work towards becoming that person.

That's the only way you'll be happy and truly at peace with who you are.

Don't accept where you are and don't settle.

You can do more and be more.