Tell Your Excuses to Fuck Off!

Every decision you make will either take you closer or further away from your goals.

Read that again and understand the gravity of that statement.

All of the actions you take on a daily basis, will either help or hinder your progress.

So what's stopping you from making the right decision and taking the necessary actions for your goals?

Your internal dialogue.

The self-talk and communication that happens "between your ears".

You can wish, hope, dream and hypothesise about being successful and reaching your physical goals.

But none of that matters — if when it comes time to act — you listen and give in to your excuses.

Remember: Intentions are not actions.

Here’s how the scenario usually plays out on any given day. See if it sounds familiar.

Morning tea time arrives at work and your coworker (we’ll call her Jenny) asks you if you want a cookie or biscuit to go with your coffee.

Do you — without thinking about it — accept?

Or do you say "no thanks, Jenny. This doesn’t help me meet my goals"?

Then lunchtime rolls around, and the work crew are headed out for burgers and some fries.

Do you go with them so you can maintain your social standing?

Or do you stay at work and eat the prepared lunch you brought with you?

After you’ve clocked off at work, do you grab your bag and head straight for the gym to get your planned training in?

Or do you say “I'll do it tomorrow?”

At dinner time, your meal includes a salad because you're trying to "be good".

So you indulge with some sweets or ice-cream afterwards to reward yourself for being good and doing so well. (Self-sabotage)

In every instance, your mind is playing tricks on you.

Telling you what will make you happy right now and what’s going to bring you immediate pleasure.

At the cost of your big, important and meaningful goals.

Fulla Strength and Conditioning

What you need to do is learn to say “NO”.

Hold your ground and delay instant gratification.

Make decisions and take actions based on your long-term goals.

Ask yourself these crucial questions.

  • Will eating that food help you towards your goals?

  • Will having that extra snack keep you in a calorie deficit?

  • Will skipping the gym get you closer to the body you want?

  • Will staying up late watching Netflix leave you in a good state to function optimally and win tomorrow?

Fight that negative internal dialogue and tell your excuses to fuck off. They aren’t welcome.

And they aren't serving you.

They are enslaving you to a life of mediocrity…

…and you can do better.

I know it and so do you.

Now it’s time for you to go and do it!