Turkish Get-up 1RM 40kg

Over my many years of training with kettlebells, I can’t say I’ve ever devoted a tonne of time to training the Turkish Get-up for a 1RM.

I’m not ‘new’ to Get-ups by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve put in a good amount of reps and used plans that work on improving them.

I’ve followed Kettlebell Simple and Sinister before.

This is the famed program by Pavel Tsatsouline (You can read more about that here). Which built a very good overall base, and a strong and stable Get-up.

But I’d never put in much dedicated time, effort, or practice to improve my 1-rep maximum (1RM).

It has naturally improved and got stronger the more reps I put in and the more I practised it. Weird, that!

Being curious about where it stood, I decided to test it and find out.

You can find my left, and right-arm attempts respectively, below.


I did these tests in preparation for a brand-new Get-up plan I have been working on.

The program I have devised is 7 weeks long and involves training Get-ups three times per week. With some extra “fun” stuff added in.

All in the pursuit of one rock-solid, strong-as-fuck, kettlebell Turkish Get-up, on each arm.

After the program, I will re-test my 1RM and report back my findings.

Stay tuned!