Six Common Mistakes In The Kettlebell Swing

These Errors Will Make You Weaker, Less Efficient, And Expose You To Potential Injury.

This article will break down the six most common mistakes in the kettlebell swing.

When you understand the kettlebell swing at a deeper level and you begin to pay attention to every repetition, you will be able to identify and then correct these issues.

By eliminating these mistakes, you will become more; proficient, stronger, and explosive.

But you can't correct what you don't see, notice, or have an awareness of.

That’s why I am breaking down each error in great detail for you.

So you know what to look out for, and what to avoid. So you can perform better, more powerful kettlebell swings.

Without further delay, let's get started.

The video below goes in-depth into the kettlebell swings and the most common mistakes.


In my own kettlebell training in Perth, I treat every training session as a "practice".

Meaning the goal isn't to get the swings done as fast (and sloppily) as possible. But rather…

Make Them As Crisp, Powerful And Strong As I Can.

The same holds true for the students I work with. When I perform my kettlebell coaching in Perth, I watch every rep closely.

Seeing what my students are doing well, what needs adjusting, and what I want to see more of.

Understand, that not every rep will be "perfect".

But the goal is to have more and more of your kettlebell swings looking and feeling "better".

If you approach your kettlebell swings and training sessions in this manner, you will have fewer technique errors and reduce the number of mistakes you make.

Kettlebell Training Perth

One of my students swinging the 36kg bell


To wrap up, the kettlebell swing is an explosive hip-hinge movement.

Where you load your posterior chain (hamstrings and glutes) by bending at your hips. The movement finishes with you in a standing plank. A tight body and rock-solid midsection.

Recapping: Below Are The Six Mistakes To Avoid

Kettlebell swing mistake #1 - T-Rex arms

Kettlebell swing mistake #2 - Shrugged shoulders

Kettlebell swing mistake #3 - Knees remain bent

Kettlebell swing mistake #4 - Lifting with the arms

Kettlebell swing mistake #5 - Leaning back

Kettlebell swing mistake #6 - Hinging too early


I hope this article on the kettlebell swing and the most common mistakes has been useful to you. My goal is that you've taken away valuable tips and information that you can put straight to use.

It takes hundreds, and thousands, of repetitions to master a movement pattern. This is why knowing the correct technique and some of the common mistakes is so important.

You Need To Know What Good Technique Looks Like And Consists Of.

And you also need to know what not to do and how to troubleshoot any errors you make.

Otherwise, you'll end up learning the wrong thing and using incorrect body parts to do the job. This will then mean you need to "delete" your current technique and upgrade it to the right one.

If you found this information beneficial, please share it. Give it to a friend or training partner so they too are aware of the best practices for their kettlebell swings.

Happy swinging!