The Three Ingredients For Unbreakable Resilience
Creating the body and life you want requires a multi-faceted approach.
You cannot be one dimensional.
Some people have strong bodies but weak minds.
Some people have the best plan but never execute it.
Others are weak physically, have no mental toughness and are flying by the seat of their pants, with no plan.
That won't end well!
You can't have unbreakable resilience unless you have all of the ingredients.
The three ingredients you need for unbreakable resilience are;
1) Strong body
Your body needs to be strong and robust to handle any obstacle or challenge that is put in front of you.
You develop this through strength training, gradually increasing your work capacity and the demands your body can handle via progressive overload.
You MUST overload your body!
2) Stoic mind
You must think logically, be rational and not let your emotions run how you think and act.
You understand situations and circumstances aren't necessarily 'good' or 'bad', they just "are". You are a realist, not an idealist.
3) Strategic plan.
Your life requires a plan to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
It doesn't happen out of chance or come down to luck. You make a plan that will push you towards becoming the person you want, and you follow it.
Having one or two ingredients isn't going to get you there!
You need to have all three.
And the only way you get them is by putting in the work.
The plan only works when you work.
Are you ready to get after it?