Attention: Men South of Perth
It’s time to…
Fix Your Weak Mindset, Drop The Excuses, And Become STRONG AF!
Building Muscle And Getting Strong Is Much Simpler Than You Think.
You might read that and think I’m talking complete and utter B.S!
That’s fair enough. We did just meet, after all.
But first, hear me out, read until the end, and let me explain.
Whether you’re a career professional, a busy guy, or a self-employed business owner, let’s face the facts.
You don’t have a lot of time to work on your body.
That’s why it’s often the last thing on your mind. It’s the reason why it’s been so neglected and forgotten about.
While your career has been taking off, your body has been wasting away. And that’s not at all what you want.
Tell me if I’m right when I say that the perfect scenario for you would look something like this.
You want to create the best body you can with the limited time you have available.
You want to get the most results possible in the least amount of time — a little bit of work, for the biggest and best return.
That makes total sense. And I completely agree with you.
This is the exact approach I use in my own life.
It’s how I’ve increased my lean muscle mass and built my body, from skinny to strong.
It’s how I deadlifted 2x my bodyweight, squatted 1.5x my bodyweight, and bench pressed over 100kg for reps.
It’s the reason I can swing a 40kg kettlebell more than one hundred times with no issues and lift over 6,000kg in a single workout.
And I can show you how to get jaw-dropping results like that, too.
But first, let’s dive into why you’re not there yet. You never have enough time.
It makes sense that you don’t want to spend your limited free time researching the most effective ways to build muscle. Or educating yourself on the top training techniques to build high-level strength. Or looking into what foods you should add or cut from your diet.
You’ve got other things on your mind, higher priorities, and more important tasks to take care of. A full-time job, a business to run or a career you’re trying to build. They come first, I get it.
I've owned and operated my personal training business for several years now and I know the commitment required. This isn’t a side gig or a hobby for me. I do this full-time, just like you do. (And I’m damn good at it!)
But…it can often feel like a never-ending cycle of work piling up. Working longer and longer hours to get more accomplished and have the job done as needed.
This is where you put every bit of your time, focus, and attention.
But Here Lies The Problem. And It’s A BIG One.
Because all of your concentration is on this — on your work…it’s NOT on your body.
That’s why it doesn’t reflect the strong and powerful stature that you've built up in your business life. It falls well and truly short of it!
It’s precisely why your body looks nothing like priority #1. Because it isn’t a priority for you.
How that happened, and why your body no longer resembles a strong, confident man, isn’t a mystery.
It’s simple, really.
You took your eye off the ball (your body) for too long. Your priorities shifted so far to one side of the scale (your work), that it became completely unbalanced.
When the scale tips one way and never goes back in the other direction, there are consequences.
Now your body no longer looks, feels, or performs the way it should for a man your age.
Does it?
That’s how your physique slipped away. Little by little.
And this is why you look the way you do. Void of any meaningful level of muscle mass.
It’s the reason you don’t have the strong and athletic body shape you desire. And this is why you don’t have the amount of lean muscle you want or the level of strength you’d love to have.
The muscular arms with veins popping out. The highly visible deltoid muscles on your shoulders. Along with the proud chest and big back muscles that give you the power look.
Sure, you have your ‘reasons’ (more like excuses) as to why this has happened.
But it’s all a justification for your lack of priorities and not taking the right actions.
Let’s cut the shit, shall we?
I’m going to call a spade a spade here. That’s what I do.
I cut through the fluff, I see things as they are, I tell the truth as it is, and that’s why I get results with the students in my programs.
Right now, your body is nowhere near the level you know it could (or should) be, am I right?
In fact, you don’t even recognise the body you have and you wonder to yourself, “when did it all go wrong?”.
I’ll tell you how it happened.
You Let Your Body Deteriorate…
One. Day. At. A. Time.
You’ve worked so hard on yourself professionally but abandoned yourself personally. As a result, you let your rock-hard muscles waste away, and your strength and fitness are now nonexistent.
Everything you crave in your body and physique has disappeared like a puff of smoke.
You let yourself turn into a skinny-fat, or just, the plain fat dude who looks like he doesn't gives a shit.
Right now, your body looks ‘average as fuck’.
It screams, “I don’t care about my body or how I look”.
I’m here to show you that it doesn’t have to be a one-or-the-other scenario. You can have both.
You can have it ALL.
A kick-ass career where you dominate your professional field. As well as a body that represents strength by the way it looks and what it's capable of.
Not only what (and who) you see in the mirror, but also what you project outwardly into the world and how others perceive you.
Because I know that you want the recognition and acknowledgement of those you associate with as well. That means just as much to you — if not more — than how you think about yourself.
You want to feel important. You want to be respected. You want to have more power.
So, what are you waiting for?
The path to strength is a simple one to follow and is available to you RIGHT NOW.
It begins with a decision.
❌ To no longer accept your current reality.
❌ To stop settling for less than you’re capable of.
❌ To put all your petty excuses in the bin.
❌ To let go of what the ‘old you’ used to look like.
❌ To fuck off your reasons why you’re not where you want to be.
❌ To quit playing the victim.
Then comes the crucial part — do something about it.
No more empty words, broken promises, wallowing in self-pity, or talking about making a change. You’ve done more than enough of that already.
And frankly, it’s embarrassing!
It’s Time You Take Action. Like These Men Did.
You need a proven plan to follow, a few muscle-building tweaks to your diet, and most importantly…
…a “no more excuses” attitude.
You cannot make the same lame excuses any longer and hope things will magically turn around. Or justify your lack of exercise and avoidance of what you need most, strength training AKA lifting heavy weights.
Building your body cannot be a sporadic event or once-in-a-while thing you do on the odd occasion. It needs to become a non-negotiable part of your life.
If you’re serious about overhauling your body and this really is a high priority, you will make the time to train, period!
If not, you’ll keep making the same excuses that got you here in the first place.
You can’t keep putting your body to the side or as an afterthought and think you’ll get around to it ‘someday’.
You won’t.
You’ve already tried that.
Let me ask you, “how’s that been working out for you…?”
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
It’s time for a different approach. A better one.
One that actually works.
If you keep telling yourself “you don’t have time”, and you aren't willing to invest in your body, this program isn’t for you. I only work with action-takers and those who are ready to take back control of their body.
That’s why my program isn’t for everyone. I’m upfront about that.
I only work with men who are committed to true change.
If you’re busy but want to make the time and finally find a solution to that objection, let’s make it happen, together.
Getting great results doesn't take long when you have the right plan in front of you.
I can show you how.
From The Strength Coach With The Secret Training Facility Known As The “Swiss Watchmakers Toolbox”.
Jesse coaches out of a compact, purpose-built space for getting strong, in the heart of Bertram. Located 30 mins south of Perth, conveniently just off the Kwinana freeway.
For the last twelve years, he has been helping the weak become strong, and the strong get even stronger.
The STRONG AF program came about after Jesse noticed a decline and weakening of society as a whole.
He observed a downwards trend in the strength and stature of men locally and globally. They were accepting less of themselves and letting themselves go. Content with being weak, and happy with a soft, sloppy, second-rate physique.
YOU can’t be happy with that, can you?
You know you were built for more than that, and are capable of it, too. We both know it.
But somewhere along the way, you fell off the path. Something took over.
Your career replaced it all. Leaving behind a trail of destruction for your body to deal with.
As a result, costing you your physique, your health, your strength, and your confidence.
You feel like a shell of your former self. And miles away from the man you want to become.
So, what’s the solution?
It’s simple. Take back your power and regain your lost strength.
My program can show you how.
Now, look. This isn’t your typical gym routine or average ‘fitness program’. If that’s all you want (and all that you think you need), there are plenty of others you can search for online.
I suggest you try one of those. Good luck with a generic one-size-fits-all program, my friend.
What I’m referring to is completely different.
It’s an upgrade of your mental operating system (your mind) and an overhaul of the machine that takes you through life (your body).
Below is a quote I carry through life that you will find useful to remember.
“Weakness is never a strength, and strength is never a weakness”.
Weak Things Break. It’s Time You Become STRONG AF!
Here’s how!
✅ Specialised strength program: The right exercises are hand selected to guarantee strength gains weekly.
✅ Nutrition for maximum muscle gain: Designed by me, customised for your body type.
✅ Don’t have all day to lift weights? No problem. You’ll be in and out in 60 minutes.
✅ Personal coach by your side: Holding you accountable to your goals so you take the right actions, daily.
✅ Become an insider: Join our private group for Q&A and weekly check-ins.
✅ Instant access to our members-only site: With exclusive, not-for-the-public content and training manuals.
✅ 1-on-1 technique analysis: Receive feedback on your form to ensure your lifting technique is rock-solid.
✅ Extensive Exercise Encyclopedia: Detailed demonstration and complete instruction from a database of “only the best” exercises taught directly by me.
✅ Monthly full-body assessments: Receive objective, unbiased, and truthful feedback on your progress to make sure you’re on track.
Your Results Are Guaranteed — Here’s Why.
Unlike the average gym program you find online or read in a fitness magazine, mine is different. It works on the area that is most neglected and overlooked.
Here’s how it works.
Your mind first, and your body second.
This is because you cannot fix a psychological problem (mental) with a physiological (physical) solution - which is what most guys try to do.
It’s also why these same men — quite possibly YOU — have made progress with your body in the past, and then all of a sudden (that’s what it feels like, anyway)…poof!
The results are gone.
I guarantee you it’s because you didn’t have a plan or a system to make what you were doing last or hold up against tough times. Robust enough to withstand obstacles, challenges, and roadblocks.
All caused by this beautiful, messy thing, we call LIFE.
I get it. Life became busy and things got in the way.
Your priorities shifted. You put other things higher on the list of what was more important. You started spending more time and effort on those things and less on your body.
And let’s not forget the extensive, laundry list of detailed excuses that you never seem to run out of.
Yeah, I know about them. It’s a bottomless pit that you routinely draw from.
This brings you to where you are right now.
Unless something changes, your body won’t.
This only happens when you make a REAL commitment to yourself and invest in your goals. Meaning you have skin in the game.
Then, and only then, do things instantly change for the better.
After you say “I’m all-in”, no matter what happens along the way, as long as you stay the course and don’t quit, you cannot fail.
That’s right!
When you set a clear, important, meaningful goal and have a plan that you believe in, it becomes impossible for you to not succeed.
This is why I guarantee that you will succeed in my program. Because it works on the areas that most programs neglect or skim over.
Here’s the thing, the body only does what YOU tell it to.
Be one of the few who gains total control of that domain. It starts in the mind and finishes in your body’s end product.
Eliminate any of the remaining excuses you’ve used in the past, let’s find a way beyond your limiting beliefs, and prove to yourself that “you’ve still got it.”.
After all, this is the PRIME OF YOUR LIFE.
Fix Your Weak Mindset, Drop Your Excuses, And Become STRONG AF!
Please watch the video below before booking a strategy call.
In the video, I talk about exactly WHO this program is for, who this is NOT for, and the factors that determine your success in the program.
I only want to work with men who are willing and prepared to follow a simple plan, do the work, and get real results.
Here’s the process and how it all works.
STEP 1 - Book a strategy call to see if you qualify, to make sure the program meets your needs and if you’re a good fit.
STEP 2 - Speak directly with Strength Coach Jesse about your goals, your current situation, and how the program can help you.
STEP 3 - Join the STRONG AF program to forever transform your mind and body!
This program is strictly for the man who is sick and tired of making the same old excuses and always putting his body last.
And is now ready to become STRONG AF!
“Everyday life became easier and my mental focus was on a whole new level.
I started to think and live like a W1NNER.”
“My desire for better eating habits. With the training it made my mindset change on how I should be eating and looking after my body.”
“What's your main goal for the next 5 years?
Will you achieve that by doing what you're doing now?
Jesse will help you achieve those goals!”
Jesse's ability to design a program to suit your specific needs in training and strength development are second to none.
It's not just a basic program — it is catered to YOUR goals.”
“My time in the STRONG AF program was amazing.
I felt welcomed every time and pushed to my limits not only physically but also mentally.
Finding new limits to the things I could do in my life!”