Personal Trainer wellard

Fulla Strength and Conditioning help people looking for a Personal Trainer in Wellard and Bertram, build strong bodies, become mentally tough, and grow confidence within themselves via strength training.

We are the go-to private studio for reliable personal training near Wellard, and are ready to help you build your strength without breaking your body down or wasting any time using bulky machines.

But before you come in for your initial consultation, I want to share some useful tips on how you can work AROUND (not through) a sore lower back so you can become fit and strong.

How to remain active while working around a lower back injury

Lower back pain will affect almost everyone at some point during their lifetime.

If you’ve experienced it before, you know how debilitating it can be. It can disrupt your normal way of living and make even the most simple tasks challenging or painful.

But before I start, I want to preface and state that I’m not a doctor or physiotherapist.

The information I’ll be sharing is from years of hands-on coaching.

I've worked with many clients who've suffered from acute or chronic low-back pain.

Lower back injuries come in many shapes, forms and vary in pain.

Some are small tweaks brought on by too much work and need a little attention.

Others occur due to years of poor lifting technique and the body compensating to make up for it.

Then there are those which are more serious in nature, and these may need more specific treatment.

So it’s important you identify where you sit on the scale of discomfort/pain;

  • What level of pain are you experiencing? Low/moderate/high?

  • What caused the pain in the first instance? What were you doing at the time?

  • Is this the first time it’s caused an issue? Or is it a recurring injury?

These are a few questions to start with to help identify possible causes.

We don’t want to fix only the symptoms (pain or discomfort) — but rather, find the root cause and then work on rectifying that.

Most of the people I’ve worked with who have lower back pain present with one (or more) of these issues;

  • Being overweight

  • Weak glute muscles

  • A weak or unstable core

  • Poor posture

  • Lack of hip mobility

  • Lack of upper back mobility (extension and rotation)

  • Incorrect lifting technique

  • Do not know how to hip hinge correctly

What I have found over the last 12 years of personal training is that the average person is weak.

They also don’t know how to move their body very well.

Inadequate mobility at the hip joint, coupled with a lack of strength around the torso.

The second thing which pops up is the inability to move from the hips.

This results in your body compensating and stealing movement from somewhere else. You begin moving from your lumbar spine (lower back) instead of your hips, as detailed here.

The Hip Hinge in action!

The Hip Hinge in action!


So, what’s the remedy?

Start by avoiding the activities or exercises which cause you a large amount of pain.

A good place to start is walking.

Keep your joints moving, activate your muscles and get the blood flowing.

From there, I would encourage you to get started (if you aren't already) with strength training.

Begin by sitting down with an experienced coach, like Jesse. Go through a comprehensive assessment and movement evaluation.

A quality coach will know what to look for and what to pick up on. This will pinpoint the areas you should be focusing on.

  • There will be specific movements you find difficult to perform (hip hinge).

  • There will be exercises which highlight the weaknesses you need to build up (glutes and core).

Most people can (and should) work around a back injury.

You shouldn’t let this derail you from achieving the body and life you desire.

And you shouldn’t remain sedentary. That’s one of the worst things you can do!

A more advanced exercise to help stabilise and strengthen the lower back

A more advanced exercise to help stabilise and strengthen the lower back


Movement is medicine, and is often the answer for what will get you looking and feeling the way you want to.

It’s about being smart and using a logical approach to training.

Don’t let your lower back pain hold you back from living life to the fullest.

Be proactive and do something about it.