Personal Trainer rockingham
Fulla Strength and Conditioning help people looking for a Personal Trainer near Rockingham and surrounding suburbs build strong bodies, become mentally tough, and grow confidence within themselves via strength training.
We are the go-to private studio for reliable personal training near Rockingham and surrounding areas, and are ready to help you build your strength without breaking your body down or wasting any time using bulky machines.
But before you come in for your initial consultation, I want to talk to you about what to do if you have an injury or think you can’t train due to having a “dodgy knee”.
How to train around a knee injury
Over the decade-plus of coaching a large range of clients, working around injuries is something which I have come accustomed to.
Having a body part which doesn’t function, or is injured, sucks. But it’s a part of life.
This doesn’t mean it has to stop you living the way you want, or prevent you from doing what you love!
Injuries cause people to stop strength training, maintaining fitness or staying physically active in Rockingham and surrounding areas.
Sometimes, unnecessarily so.
Today, I’d like to share some strategies of how you can train around injury, in particular, a knee injury.
First things first, the knee is what I call a “stupid joint”. This is because the role of the knee is twofold.
The knee has two prime functions;
Your knee joint isn't designed to handle or produce a lot of rotational movement.
Even saying that makes me a little uneasy -- twisting your knee. Doesn’t sound great, does it!?
If you’ve ever (or know someone who has) had knee pain before, I understand the rationale for being cautious.
I, myself, have gone through a serious knee injury, so I know what to do and what to avoid.
One of the worst things you can do if you tweak a body part is to completely rest (unless otherwise advised to do so).
This is because the joint itself — and surrounding joints — become immobile and the muscles start to atrophy (waste away).
The solution to working AROUND an injury, or a dodgy knee, in Rockingham is fairly simple.
The new, temporary goal, becomes working all of the areas and joints which aren’t affected.
Great news: This means the remaining 90% of your body can still be used.
You can still perform your Push, Pull and Hinge movements, as outlined here.
The RDL is a great HINGE exercise. Lots of hips —minimal knee involvement
The biggest question people ask when they get injured is “what CAN I do?”
You can still work your upper body.
You can still strengthen your hips.
You can still work your midsection and core.
You can still work your smaller muscle groups and stabilisers.
As long as you don’t aggravate or cause pain to the injured area, you can continue training, in Rockingham.
Sure, it won’t be the same as before, but you can still move forward towards your goal of getting stronger or fitter.
It requires you to work around (not through) your injury.
You don’t stop because one small part of your body doesn’t function.
“Think of it this way: If you got a flat tyre, what would you do? Change the tyre? Or get out of the car and slash the other three tyres?”
You work on what you can. This means you’ll have to get creative with how you train, and pay extra attention to your technique when exercising.
With the help of a qualified and experienced coach (like Jesse), it can be done!
Don’t derail your progress or set yourself further back than you need to because you have an injury.
Be resourceful and focus on what you CAN do.
With that attitude, you will make a quicker return to full, and hopefully, pain-free function.
Strength training in Rockingham and surrounding areas can still be achieved, if you want it bad enough.
If you have an injury and want to find a solution so it doesn’t hold you back from living your life fully, please get in touch.
Upper body pressing movements won’t aggravate your knee.
With the right approach, a custom program and by using the correct technique, you can improve your strength and get fit, even if injured.
Don’t slash the other three tyres just because one isn’t working!
Fix the flat tyre and work on maximising the function of the other three (the rest of your body) in the meantime.
Start by coming in for a consultation to see what you can and can’t do, and let a professional guide you through the injury, safely.