do you have what it takes?


have you ever pushed yourself to the point where you didn’t know how much more your body could tolerate?

If you're like most people, you haven't.

When was the last time you drove your body to the brink — unsure if you could keep going or not?

Most people never push themselves hard enough, or take the opportunity to find out!

I know this because far too many people spend their days in their comfort zone. Remaining comfortable and relaxed, but never tested.

You haven't been spending enough time doing things that challenge you and pull you out of your comfort zone.

This is precisely why you haven't discovered the peak of your physical capacity and mental performance.

You haven't tested yourself to see what you're capable of.

You don’t make any real effort to find out what’s possible.

Make no mistake about it: You are leaving untapped potential on the table.

There is significant room for improvement in your life.

This 6-hour challenge will UNCOVER it!


wHAT iS uncover?


Uncover is the 6-hour physical challenge designed to test your physical and mental limits

  • It will re-frame your definition of what high standards are, and establish if you have them or not.

  • It will open your eyes to the real definition of what ‘attention to detail’ means, and why you must apply it to everything you do.

  • It will reveal how far you’re willing to push yourself to get what you want in your life.

  • It will throw you into uncomfortable scenarios and put you in positions you aren’t used to.

  • It will transform what you perceive to be difficult situations, and identify ways to overcome them.

  • It will make you realise that you are currently operating and functioning at a fraction of your potential.

Should you choose to test yourself on this 6-HR challenge, it will reveal what is TRULY possible for your body and life moving forward.


It’s time: Put yourself to the TEST!



As humans, we spend most of our time doing things we’re good at. It makes sense, and it’s because it makes us feel good.

But you don’t develop, improve yourself and access all that you are capable of by doing that.

That only leads to stagnation — hitting a plateau or finding yourself in a rut.

Doing what you’ve always done, and never testing yourself doesn’t work!

  • Following the same gym routine you’ve been on for months won’t change your body. You just stagnate.

  • Running the same route at the same pace won’t make you any fitter. You simply maintain.

  • Remaining at level average and never going above that doesn’t change you. You actually deteriorate.

  • Working out, barely breaking a sweat or having to strain won’t produce results. You will plateau.

You develop, learn and grow by doing the things which you aren't good at.

Activities and tasks which challenge you and force you outside of your current comfort zone.

By bringing to light your weaknesses and taking action to make them better.

  • This might be your cardiovascular capacity, or lack thereof.

  • Perhaps the only planned physical activity you do is walking from your car to and from work.

  • Possibly the last time you were at peak physical performance was before you had kids. Ah…the glory days!

  • You have poor body awareness and don't know how to move your own body safely and confidently.

  • Maybe it's the fact you use machines at the gym because you don’t know how to use the free-weights.

  • Struggling with a lack of discipline to do what you say you’ll do, when you say you’ll do it.

  • Or likely, it’s the fact you don't push yourself hard enough in life — both physically and mentally.

UNCOVER will re-frame your definition of ‘effort’.



If you’ve ever had a great coach, mentor or instructor before, you know how pivotal it is to have a set of outside eyes on you.

Someone with an unbiased viewpoint to provide you truthful feedback.

About the level you’re operating at and if you are performing at the required standard or not.

Think of it like a review or scorecard for your mind and body.

When you aren't at the required standard, you'll know. You will be made aware of it.

During UNCOVER, you will gain real-time monitoring and receive feedback from an experienced strength coach. With over a decade of coaching clients hands-on.

Helping them to improve their bodies and lives through physical and mental training.

Someone with more than twenty years of playing high-level sport to maximise their own results, and get the most out of their body & mind.

Holding you accountable every step of the way — by maintaining laser-like focus on you and your every move.

Everybody needs accountability. Including you!

That’s why the best athletes and top-performers in the world have coaches.

It brings out the very best in you and your performance.

Throughout this physical challenge, you will go through 6 hours of rigorous movement and physical evolutions.

Activities you wouldn’t do on your own, and pushing yourself to limits you didn’t even think were possible.

In the end, you will emerge a stronger person, mentally tougher, with better physical conditioning.

You’ll be more capable than ever before!

Fulla Strength and Conditioning


Have you ever tested yourself to the point where you wanted to “tap out” or wave the white flag?

This is something everyone must experience. Yes, including you!

Physical challenge is THE WAY to reveal your true strength and character.

Until then, you have no idea what your body and mind are capable of delivering.

You will continue performing at what you perceive to be (but actually isn’t) your 100%.

When your mind is telling you you’re done, you’re really only 40 percent done”.

It indicates you have hidden reserves of physical strength, mental toughness, and unrealised potential…

…and you are currently leaving all of this massive potential on the table.

Unless you want to live a mediocre existence, and then die leaving those reservoirs untouched, you need to learn how to access them.

Physical challenge is the mechanism for you to do this.

  • Do things you’ve never done before.

  • At levels you currently believe to be out of reach.

  • By exposing yourself to challenging situations.

It’s time you recalibrate your frame of reference.

Fulla Strength and Conditioning

What this challenge will do for you

✅ Find out where your REAL physical and mental limits are.

✅ Gain true knowledge and understanding of Self. What you think and how you act when nobody is there to help you.

✅ Test your level of mental toughness.

✅ Develop your ability to overcome adversity and setbacks.

✅ Learn how to “re-frame” negative situations into positive outcomes.

✅ Understand the correct way to move — in any and all conditions.

✅ Practical application of what it takes to succeed. Hands-on experience trumps untested theory every day.

✅ Find out who you are when shit gets tough and the odds are stacked against you.

✅ Illustrate how being “normal” and “average” is actually a liability in life.

✅ Learn how to be resourceful and overcome setbacks, or to an immediate change in plan.

✅ Realise that EVERYTHING in life comes back to your decisions and choices.

✅ You are the scriptwriter for your life! You decide what happens.

✅ Discover what would be possible for your life, and how much better it could be, if you tested your limits more often.

Fulla Strength and Conditioning

Who should attend UNCOVER?


✅ If you want more out of your life

✅ If you know you’ve been holding back from your best

✅ If you are prepared to work for results

✅ If you are ready to unlock your full potential

✅ If you want to become physically stronger and fitter

✅ If you’d love to be mentally tougher and have more discipline


❌ If you don't value your health and fitness

❌ If you think you already know-it-all

❌ If you aren’t prepared to work for results

❌ If you are happy being average or mediocre

❌ If you don’t want improved fitness and more strength

❌ If you don’t see the benefit in becoming mentally tougher and having more discipline



WHEN: SUNDAY, October 3, 2021

Duration: 6 hours

TIME: 0600 — 1200

