You won't know exactly what the physical challenges are.
You won't know the distance you'll have to cover.
You won't know precisely what's involved.
You won't know what comes next.
You won't know the route.
And therein lies the beauty!
Almost everything you do these days is planned out, and you know what to expect. Especially with regards to your strength and fitness training routine.
Meaning you can plan and prepare for it down to the smallest detail.
This isn't a bad thing in your day-to-day life or getting after important goals.
But — it definitely doesn't lend itself to putting yourself in the most challenging situations possible.
After all, that's when you know where you stand when faced with the toughest of tests.
Only when you face challenges you aren't expecting or have never experienced before, will you know your real capabilities.
When you go to the gym, you have a structured training program you follow.
It’s all laid out for you from start to finish. You know the number of sets and reps you have to perform. And you likely know the weight you have to lift.
The same is true for running or cardio-based training. You have a predetermined time or distance you want to cover.
With all possible variables taken into account. The speed, the incline, the resistance level, or the wattage you’re working at.
Even signing up for things like obstacle course races. Before you begin, you know the exact distance you have to cover and roughly how long it will take to complete. The course is there for you to see on a map.
You know what you have to do, and in what order. You're fully aware of all the details and what's in store for you.
None of that exists at UNCOVER.
That's what makes it unique and unlike other endurance events or races.
All you know is that it contains six hours of various physically demanding challenges and tough mental battles.
If that frightens you, scares the shit out of you, or intimidates you: GOOD.
It means you're alive.
This also means that it's calling your name, inviting you. Encouraging you to take action!
Your self-talk and that inner voice asking you: “Do You Have What It Takes, Physically and Psychologically?”
Do you have enough courage?
Do you have enough fitness?
Do you have enough endurance?
Do you have enough strength?
Do you have enough discipline?
Do you have enough resilience?
There's only ONE way to find out!
If you're afraid, nervous, anxious, unsure, or scared about the event.
About being able to do what's required for as long as needed...
…you've found your next BIG physical challenge.
A place where you get to put all your training to the test.
This is an adventure you do not want to miss out on. It’s an opportunity to determine your true strength and fitness.
It will test every part of your endurance in both body and mind.
The quote below is one you will need to remember on the day.
“If it’s endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining.” - Marcus Aurelius
It will be hard. It will require your very best effort. It will unlock new levels of performance you didn’t know you had.
Do you have what it takes?
After signing up, and before the event, you will receive an email. Inside it contains an Information Pack with all the vital details.
A video of the Kit List and what to wear & bring. A summary of the expectations and standards. And a guide on how to best prepare for the event - before you go into the unknown.
And nothing more.
Clear, detailed, and concise instructions.
It's up to you to make sure you read them all carefully, and then execute them so you are in the best position to perform on the day.
To increase your chances of success and getting through the full six hours. Whilst decreasing any costly errors that might come back to haunt you and the rest of the squad.
Make no mistake, this event isn't easy. Nothing worth having is!
You must overcome various physical evolutions that test your physical and mental strength.
Challenging your maximal and relative strength levels. Pushing you past your fitness threshold to that uncomfortable place. And forcing you to dig deep within yourself to get the job done.
Whatever that looks like and consists of on the day.
You will perform under multiple conditions: as an individual, in small groups, and in a tight-knit unit.
Not straightforward and predictable tasks, either.
They will demand you think quickly, act under pressure, and solve problems when fatigued.
This is where the mental component kicks in. When shit hits the fan and things get tough, how do you react?
Will you respond accurately and succeed, or will you freeze and fail at the vital moment?
Some people can handle a little bit of stress here and there.
Others crack and crumble under the pressure.
How about YOU...?
Can you execute tasks quickly, proficiently to a high standard when you’re physically tired and mentally exhausted?
When you're rested, fresh and you know what to expect, everyone can be a superstar. That's not hard, that's expected of you.
That is the absolute, bare minimum — it’s entry-level!
The tough part is being able to do it under any and all conditions.
When your arms and legs are burning and you've completed hundreds of reps.
Things change very quickly after hours of hard work, and you're gasping for air.
Or you've covered a distance you have no recollection or idea about.
That's when you see how tough and resilient you are.
Every movement you perform gets watched closely and critiqued.
You won't have a chance to sit down and take a break, or grab a drink, whenever you want.
They are at the designated times - whether you like it or not. Regardless of whether you're ready or not.
This event is "sink or swim".
Your level of preparedness will determine whether you keep up or get left behind.
If you’re at the front of the pack, leading the way.
Or at the back, struggling to keep up with the rest of the pack.
Each evolution will have an impact on yourself and others.
You get praised for high performance.
You get penalised for low performance.
The ultimate litmus test.
You will receive direct and immediate feedback on your performance — whether it be positive or negative.
That is THE ONLY WAY to ensure growth and personal development can take place.
Standards are set high from the word ‘GO’ and do not get lowered.
It's up to you and the rest of the squad to ensure they get upheld.
If they aren''ll know about it.
Think about how this newfound level of discipline and accountability will transfer and positively impact other areas of your life. Not only in your health, fitness, or physique.
Improving every single aspect of your life;
Your career.
Your family life.
Your close relationships.
The reason that traits such as leadership, discipline, accountability, and standards play a pivotal role in this event is this.
The mind is primary. The body is secondary.
If you can't control your thoughts and emotions, they will control your body and the actions you take.
“Ultimately the body is the mind’s vehicle - the medium in which it grows and which nurtures or starves it in order for it to thrive or wither” - Greg Everett
To become in total control of your life and body, you must first learn to master your mind.
To access every last drop of performance, you must dominate your internal dialogue.
Under pressure. Faced against adversity. When you're fatigued.
At all times.
That's what going through six hours of tough physical exertion will do.
It will identify your “default” patterns and thought processes. Bring to light your typical routines and responses. Determine your current operating system, and establish the language your inner voice uses under duress.
Does your thinking help you through difficult times, or hold you back?
Does your mindset sabotage, or stimulate your behaviour?
Does your mind look for the problem, or the solution?
Getting uncomfortable isn’t the issue here.
It’s a necessary part of the solution to understanding yourself. Ideal for figuring out what, when and where things break down.
So you can then address them, and build them up better and stronger than before.
A small, meaningless, and insignificant test won’t cut it!
It needs to be BIG and BOLD enough to force you into levels you haven’t experienced before.
“Character is revealed when pressure is applied.”
Six hours is a blip in your lifetime.
A quarter of ONE day to receive exposure to the necessary dose of adversity for growth and positive change to take place.
Do YOU have what it takes to endure six hours of physical and mental discomfort?
To come out the other side, sharper, brighter, and with a higher level of performance.
A brand new perspective on how far you can push yourself, and more accurate meaning of the word "difficult".
Knowing how much more you can do, and the amount of adversity you are now able to endure.
Think about how much more you can accomplish every day and week, knowing you can do this event and come out the other side victorious?
You will realise your physical ceiling, and maximum mental capacity is much higher than it is right now!
You will see that you have so much more potential within you ready and waiting to come out.
You have to be willing to go through this baptism of fire to uncover it.
Achieving your absolute best has a price, and this is it.
You aren’t ever going to find it in your comfort zone.
It’s found in the growth zone — which involves a whole lot of discomfort.
Six hours of challenges is what it takes.
A handful of hours, some temporary pain and suffering, for a better quality of life. For the rest of your life.
That’s what’s at stake here.
TIME: 0600 — 1200
NOTE: Full details of the event are provided in an Information Pack, sent via email after sign-up.
““This event is something that I think people need to experience.
You say you’re strong? Prove it!””
““Amazing day. Physically and mentally challenging pushing me past barriers I never knew I had.
Absolute must-do for anyone wanting to find their limits.””
““I endured activities which were completely new and which I had never experienced before.
It was awesome testing where I am at physically and mentally...and If I am on track to achieving my goals.””
““You immediately realise you can do A LOT more than you have been doing.””
““Intense! I really had no idea what to expect but probably wasn’t really mentally prepared for what we were put through.
There were times when I honestly thought I couldn’t keep moving but somehow managed to.””
““I certainly felt there wasn’t anything left in the tank at the end, and at certain times there were thoughts of giving in, but the reward was in the completion and the satisfaction that came with that.””