Attention: Men Seeking Muscle
South of Perth (SOR)
Are you fed up feeling weak, insecure in your body, and constantly doubting yourself?
It’s time you did something about it!
What if I told you that I could redesign how you think, upgrade the way you feel, and overhaul your body in just 90 days.
For men like you who want to look and feel strong, it’s not a want — but a NEED.
💥 Let me get straight to the point.
Being a soft, weak, and frightened individual is no way to live.
It’s not really living at all though, is it!?
You tell yourself that everything’s ok.
You deceive yourself that you’re doing alright.
You try to convince yourself that “things aren’t that bad”.
Let’s cut the crap, shall we?
Right now, you’re barely getting by.
Every day is a struggle.
You endure one frustrating day after the next, and each day is taking its toll on you.
I’m not just talking about physically (although that is an issue), but mentally!
You wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, and this is what you’re faced with.
A version of one, or all, of the following;
You try to find a body part you’re happy with.
You give yourself a pep talk to try and pump yourself up.
You muster up all of the positive affirmations you can think of.
You watch motivational video clips to try and bring yourself to life.
But. Nothing. Works — no matter how hard you try or what you do.
You tell yourself all the reasons why you should think positively, but there isn’t a lot there.
There is nothing of substance for you to feel proud or confident about...
That’s when the wheels fall off and it all starts going downhill.
You hate how weak you look.
You aren’t happy with what you see in the mirror.
You don’t like (or even recognise) the person staring back at you.
So you begin each and every day the same.
With thoughts of fear, doubt, and uncertainty about your body and who you are.
The negativity. The anxiety. The nervousness. The panic. The worry. The pain. The despair.
You think people are constantly watching you, critiquing you, and judging you.
This is all stemming from your insecurities in your own skin.
If only there was a way to fix the fear and build your body so that those emotions disappear.
And not just for a split second, one hour of happiness, or a single day...
…but FOR GOOD.
Well, there is a way!
The path of strength is calling your name.
In fact, it’s been whispering and giving you subtle hints every day. But they have gone either unanswered — or ignored.
👎 Every attempt to do something about it in the past has been half-hearted.
👎 Every challenge you run away from, is a missed opportunity.
👎 Every chance you get to stand up for yourself, you choose not to.
👎 Every time you avoid a difficult situation, you lose a bit more self-respect.
👎 Every interaction that you’re involved with, you give away your power to please others.
👎 Every problem you are faced with, you turn the other way, in fear, and you curl up into a little ball.
All at your own expense!
It’s no wonder you feel so weak and powerless.
These are all TURNING POINTS.
Albeit small ones, individually — but, cumulatively — they have shaped your life and your body.
From having the potential to be a strong and powerful man to being a weak and insignificant version of yourself.
It’s time: You must become a man of action, not just words (or good intentions).
Stand up straight, with your shoulders back, and start taking a stand for who the fuck you are!
Or at least of the man you could be.
It begins by making a decision. A choice!
By making a promise to yourself that you will no longer tolerate others walking all over you.
But before you can do that, you must look at yourself in the mirror and make a commitment to YOURSELF.
Until you do that, nothing about your life will change.
Repeat after me:
“From this point on…
I will quit putting myself last.
I will no longer accept being a weakling.
I will stop being an inferior version of myself.
I will stop living to standards that I know are below my best.”
I will stop avoiding the things which are holding me back in life.”
You owe it to yourself.
Being physically STRONG is the vehicle that will transform not only your body but your ENTIRE LIFE!
What if I told you that I could redesign how you think, upgrade the way you feel, and overhaul your body…IN JUST 90 DAYS.
How would you like to wake up every day and be pumped about the person you are becoming?
✅ To see a man with a set of broad shoulders and a powerful chest for the first time.
✅ To look in the mirror and find muscles that weren’t previously there.
✅ To have vascularity in your arms, visible for the world to see.
✅ To fill out the sleeves on your shirts with bigger biceps.
✅ To stop telling yourself you’re a “hard-gainer”.
✅ To put some meat on your weak frame.
That’s what’s possible on the other side of this door, should you choose to open it.
Thing is…WANTING to be strong and have muscle, is simply not enough.
In fact, it barely gets you in the door.
To REALLY change (for good), you’ll need three things:
The right plan to get there as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Someone who has walked the path before you, who can show you step by step exactly what to do.
The true desire to change.