Men Of Perth!
Are You READY?
A program designed specifically for weak men who want to build muscle, get strong, and become more powerful!
(Even if you’ve never lifted weights before)
How would you like to be a part of an exclusive program for men, designed to overhaul your body and gain total control of your life?
That's what I have on offer for you.
If you’re interested in becoming a stronger and more muscular man, keep on reading.
If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you’re a man living or working South Of Perth who wants more.
More of what, you ask?
Everything that any grown man would want!
More MUSCLE, more STRENGTH, more POWER, and a whole lot more CONFIDENCE.
My name is Jesse Fuller, and I help people become STRONG AF.
If you don’t know what “AF” means, it’s short for ‘As Fuck’.
That’s because I don’t believe in being a little bit strong. I believe that in order to become your absolute best, you must be strong in everything that you do.
Not only physically, with your body — but also psychologically, by having the mental capacity to deal with whatever life throws your way.
I know this from firsthand experience, as well as coaching men just like you.
Here are some things you might like to know about me;
I joined my first gym on my 16th birthday as a small, shy, skinny kid.
I love lifting weights for what it has done for my body (below) and my confidence.
I listen to heavy metal, and hip-hop music (no pop music here — sorry, gents).
I call things as I see them and don't sugarcoat my words, unlike most of the world.
I am married to a beautiful wife (also below), we have one child and a fur baby, a dog named Noah.
I’m a damn good strength coach who has been helping people gain strength, build muscle, while becoming mentally strong and physically dominant for over ten years.
Anyway, that's a little bit about me.
Now onto the important stuff, and what YOU came here for — transforming your body.
The first thing I want to do, and make crystal clear is this.
If you’re looking for a magic potion, steroid, or supplement to fix things for you, you won’t find it here.
What you WILL find is the answer to help you finally build more muscle, get strong AF, and develop more confidence by following my simple strength solution.
What I’m referring to is my brand new strength program: 90STRONG.
Let me explain more about it, and what it can do for you!
Are You Fed Up Feeling Weak, Lacking Muscle, Being Insecure In Your Body, Having Low (Or No) Confidence, and Constantly Doubting Yourself?
If you answered ‘YES’ to any or all of these things, my program can help you overcome them once and for all.
What if I told you that I could build up your body, add muscle to your frame and overhaul your mindset in just 90 days.
For men like you (and me) who want to look strong and feel powerful, it’s not a want — but a NEED.
Let me get straight to the point.
Being a soft, weak, and scared individual is no way to live.
It’s not really living at all though, is it!?
Deep down, you’re scared shitless about not having a body that showcases any real power, and you pray that things change for you (somehow).
Every day you lie to yourself…
👉 You tell yourself that everything’s ok.
👉 You deceive yourself that you’re doing alright.
👉 You try to convince yourself that “things aren’t that bad”.
I mean, they could be worse. Sure.
Cut the crap!
Let’s stop with the bullshitting, shall we?
Right now, you’re barely getting by.
Every day you face the same struggle.
You accept your body as it is. You settle for less. You put up with a physique that is way below what you’re capable of having.
Even though deep down, you don’t like what you see in the mirror.
In fact, you’d rather not look at yourself, or have to show your body off at all.
Listen, I Get It — Because I’ve Been There.
This is EXACTLY where I was when I first started my journey.
Until I decided to do something about it.
The picture you see was taken AFTER I’d been going to the gym for over a year consistently.
Tiny arms, skinny legs, and lacking the muscle I wanted.
Now, imagine what I would have weighed and looked like beforehand!
I started lifting weights to put some size on my very "athletic” frame. That’s what I called it, anyway.
The truth is, I was an ectomorph.
That’s what we call the body shape of your typical skinny guy, an ‘ecto’.
That was me to a tee.
A skinny kid, with no muscle mass to show, and certainly not a very strong person, to say the least.
So I get it. Believe me.
It was my story for years and years…until I got to the point where I wouldn’t accept tolerate it any longer.
That’s when I decided to make the change.
And you can do the same.
Let Me See If I’m On The Right Path When I State The Following;
You’re embarrassed to take your shirt off because you’ve got no muscle to show.
You’re sick of looking and feeling like a weakling.
You’re tired of eating all the food without any muscle gains to show for it.
You’re frustrated that nothing has worked for you so far.
You’ve thought about fixing this problem before, many times.
But it either didn't work, or you didn’t commit and go ALL-IN to make the problem disappear for good.
You've researched some muscle-building programs online, looked at different “workout plans”, and contemplated signing up to a gym — but you have no idea what to do and no plan to follow.
I mean, where do you even start?
🤷♂️ Which exercises do you do (and how many)?
🤷♂️ How heavy should you be lifting?
🤷♂️ Should you use free weights or machines?
🤷♂️ How many reps are best for muscle growth?
🤷♂️ Which exercises are ideal to maximise your strength gains?
🤷♂️ What technique should you be using so you don’t injure yourself?
🤷♂️ When do you know if you’re ready to push harder and go to the next level?
That’s a LONG list of unanswered questions…
Having (what you think is) the best program is an OK start.
But that’s all a program you find online is. A bunch of exercises on a piece of paper or on a spreadsheet.
What comes next? How do you perform those exercises? Do you know?
A Generic Program Isn’t Going To Cut It!
Look, there are thousands of training programs out there. The internet is littered with generic, one-size-fits-all plans that people never get results from.
Do you know why?
Because there’s more to it than slapping a bunch of random exercises together for 8 to 12 reps.
Building muscle is part art, part science.
That’s where the art of coaching comes in.
⚠️ Anyone can do a set of bicep curls.
⚠️ Any person can drop and do some push-ups.
⚠️ Any grown man is capable of punching out a few squats.
⚠️ Anybody can chuck some plates on a bar and try to do the bench press.
It’s not only about selecting the right exercises, it’s about HOW you perform those exercises that matters!
That’s really what makes or breaks your results.
And that might help explain why you’ve never achieved the results you’ve been chasing. No matter how much effort you give or how much research (AKA scrolling online) on strength training you do.
There has ALWAYS been something missing...
In my many years working in commercial gyms, owning my own personal training business, and having coached hundreds of people — I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the downright ugly when it comes to lifting technique.
I’ve watched and critiqued thousands upon thousands of reps.
From young kids trying to deadlift weights they have no business lifting. With technique so bad that it makes my back hurt just watching it. To the point where I have to step in and offer feedback so they don’t snap their spine!
To young men who want to bench press their body weight but lay there helplessly on the bench struggling and straining every which way to lift a bar up that will never go back up because it’s too heavy.
And then there are a select few men (very rare) who I can tell have had the right guidance, proper training, and correct instruction. Because their technique is rock-solid, they look confident when they lift and make progress week in, week out.
That’s The Difference Between Success and Failure.
Having the right plan, using the correct technique, and having the proper progressions in place to ensure you make consistent gains.
Following a random plan that isn’t for you, lifting weights that are too heavy, with the incorrect technique, and you end up injured.
Make no mistake about it, there is a right and a wrong way to build strength and size.
My goal is to make sure you don’t make the wrong choice.
Or worse, knowing you have the opportunity to finally get it right, and you don’t take it.
I don’t want you “winging it”, wasting time doing useless exercises, lifting weights that are unrealistic, and have you sustain any unnecessary (and avoidable) injuries.
This is where 90STRONG comes in — it gives you everything you need to succeed with your body.
👍 The best training program for you and your current ability.
👍 The right guidance to help you progress week after week.
👍 The correct technique, hands-on instruction and feedback to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.
My program covers it all!
What's Involved In 90STRONG?
✅ Two hands-on strength sessions coached at my private training facility per week (pictured).
✅ A custom (made just for you) training program periodised for measurable strength gains in ninety days.
✅ Direct mentoring from someone who has gone through the process themselves.
✅ Nutrition recommendations designed specifically to pack on muscle mass.
✅ Audio lessons to upgrade your mental operating system.
✅ Welcome pack complete with all the necessary tools you need to succeed.
If you’re still reading, and you want to build more muscle, get strong and become a powerful man, let’s see if you’re ready for what comes next.
The Thing Is…WANTING To Be Strong and Have Muscle, Is Simply Not Enough.
In fact, it barely gets you in the door.
To REALLY change (for good), you’ll need three things:
The right plan to get there as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Someone who has walked the path before you, who can show you step by step exactly what to do.
The true desire to change.